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BUY Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game

80 page PDF file with B&W illustrations. Pages are 7" x 10" but look fine printed to fit 8.5" x 11". LInk to PDF will be emailed to you once Payment has cleared. After payment has been received you will receive an email which includes an account name, password and the location where you can download the PDF.

Ever watch a wrestling show and say to yourself “I can write a better storyline than that!” Well, now is your chance to prove it. Kayfabe draws you into the wrestling industry like no other game has before. Players set up their own wrestling promotion and take part in every aspect of the business!


Create Your Own Talent Pool

Creating characters is fast and easy. Create wrestlers, valets, managers, commentators and more! Rate each characters wrestling skill, work rate, mic skills and political clout. Make as many character as you want and add them to the talent pool. Then choose your promotions roster from all the available characters.


Book Your Own Shows and Pay Per Views!

Take on the role of the Booking Committee and set up matches, promos and skits just like the pros do. Script everything out or wing it. Establish feuds and storylines and watch your characters' stories unfold before your eyes. Book any kind of match you can come up with, make your storylines as outrageous as you want...there are no limitations!

Get Tied Up In the Intrigue

Use your character's Clout to bargain for better matches and storylines. Deal with backstage politics and personal issues that often go unnoticed by the viewing audience. Hire and fire wrestlers. Negotiate contracts and plot for political leverage.


Narrate Your Matches

Kayfabe has no move lists, no to hit rolls, no dodging and no damage rolls. Wrestling is staged - we all know this. The point of a wrestling match is to entertain the crowd by telling a story. Kayfabe is all about telling that story. Players narrate their matches the way they envision them! Go through the motions or go for the big time by risking injury and wagering your Heat.


Advance Your Promotion

Build up your promotion along with your characters. Increase your production quality and training facilities. Move your promotion up the ranks from public access to world wide broadcasts. Expand your roster, increase your profits and prove to the world that your promotion is the best thing in sports entertainment.

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What Is Kayfabe

By Wrestling Historian Cynthia Celeste Miller

The word "kayfabe" was first used in pro wrestling's carnival days of the early twentieth century. In that day and age, nearly everyone thought wrestling was a legitimate sport instead of a worked display of athleticism. The truth is that up until that point, wrestling was indeed "true competition". At least for the most part. There is strong evidence that points to some matches being worked more or less from the beginning, though this was the exception rather than the norm. 


In any case, it would've been devastating to wrestling's credibility if its true nature was discovered by the public at large. To protect the business, the wrestlers used secret lingo when discussing insider matters. Carney, as it's often called, primarily consists of words that have an extra syllable or an emphasis on a different existing syllable. 

This language is one of the few aspects of the business that remains largely unexposed, even to this day. Of course, not all carney is secret these days. A good handful of the simpler terms are widely known to the masses. One such word is "kayfabe", which roughly translates to "be fake". 


Kayfabe is a multi-purpose word that was most often used by workers to alert one another to the presence of a nearby mark (or "mizark" in carney). To "break kayfabe" is to step out of character and spew insider information. To "kayfabe someone" is to withhold insider information from someone not in the know. 


Unfortunately, aside from the common carney terms, the language itself has become something of a lost art. Most younger workers in the business will simply look at you blankly if you say the word "brizzat". 

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